Wednesday, June 20, 2012

3 Steps to Fresher Breath

Step 1:  Purchase a TONGUE SCRAPER.  You can pick one up at any store that sells toothbrushes and such.
Step 2:  Brush AND floss.
Step 3:  Use the tongue scraper mentioned in "Step 1" to clean the back of your tongue DAILY.

We brush our teeth daily, but why do we not clean our tongues daily too?

Although bad breath can be caused by other factors such as diet, stomach/throat issues, systemic conditions, etc., the vast majority of the time it is caused by oral bacteria primarily on the back of the tongue.  This bacteria needs to be physically removed.  Mouth rinse will not wash it away.

Do you have bad breath?  Test yourself.  Take a spoon and use it to scrape the very back portion of your tongue. Then smell it.  This is probably how your breath smells to others.

For a more in depth look at obtaining fresher breath, look here:  How Fresh Is Your Breath?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Once It's Gone, It's Gone

This past weekend I celebrated a big birthday.  Birthdays always make me reflect on time, past and present.  People say to live your life to the fullest because time is something that you will never get back.  As a dentist, I would like to point out something else that you never get back….teeth.  Once a cavity eats away at your tooth, you can never get that part of tooth back.  Sure you can restore it with a filling or crown, but man’s imitation will never be as good as the original masterpiece.  Likewise, once a permanent tooth is lost, it’s gone for good.

It breaks my heart when I see young people with lots of cavities.  As much as we try to help them understand, it seems in most cases they still fail to realize the finality of lost tooth structure and the fact that they will NEVER get back what they lost.

Tooth decay is a tragic, worldwide disease…yes, disease…that’s what it is.  What makes it tragic, is that it is preventable.  Preventing tooth decay really boils down to just time and attention.  Paying attention to your eating and drinking habits.  Paying attention to your hygiene habits.  Taking time to do things the right way.  These simple things can prevent one of the world’s most common diseases.

I wish I understood this concept at a younger age.  I too have lost a good amount of tooth structure that I will never get back.

Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Are You Prepared for a Dental Emergency?

Most people have a medical first aid kit at home, but very few have a dental first aid kit in case a dental emergency occurs.  Dental emergencies can be an alarming and painful situation.  Here are some items worth collecting to create a dental first aid kit:

Latex (or latex-free) medical exam gloves – Now you can touch without contaminating.
Dental mirror – This aids in visualizing areas difficult to see.
Floss and toothpicks – Sometimes severe pain can be caused simply by food becoming stuck along the gums or between teeth. 
Gauze and  a Tea bag – Use this with applied pressure to any lacerations to help stop bleeding.  Placing a damp tea bag on the area will also help stop bleeding.
Wax – Braces and broken teeth can be very sharp and irritate the gums.  Place wax over the sharp areas for relief.
Temporary filling material – If a filling breaks out or there is a hole in a tooth, a temporary filling material can be placed.  Most contain eugenol which helps soothe the nerve of the tooth in case of a toothache or sensitivity.
Temporary cement – This is used to glue a crown back on.
Save-A-Tooth kit – This is a “tooth-friendly” solution to store a tooth that has been knocked out, while you make your way to the dentist.  It greatly increases the chances of a tooth being saved.
Oral anesthetic gel – There are many brands out there such as Orajel and Orabase.  Do not use on young children, as there is a risk for methemoglobinemia, a potentially serious blood complication.  It can be used safely on older children and adults.
Quantum Canker Covers – This is a patch that forms a barrier over a canker sore (mouth ulcer).  It soothes the area and promotes much quicker healing. Quantum Canker Covers

Most of these items can be purchased at your local drug store.  If you cannot find them there, they are all available on-line. 

With any dental emergency, be sure to contact your dentist.