Monday, February 15, 2010

The Age of Implants

As big advancements are continually made in health care, dentistry is no exception. Implants have revolutionized the way we practice dentistry by giving us the option to truly replace a lost tooth with a new one. An implant is essentially a titanium post that integrates with the bone, mimicking a natural tooth root. After healing occurs, an artificial tooth is then attached to this “root”. This is the beauty of implants: they are the most natural replacement of a lost tooth that you can have, period. Being made of titanium and special ceramics an implant will never decay, thus giving you not only a new tooth that looks and functions like a natural tooth, but one that should be with you for life. It is easy to see why implants are an exciting restorative option.
From an oral health standpoint, there are a few considerations that must be taken into account to determine if implant treatment would be suitable for you. You need to have an adequate quantity of bone at the possible implant site. Your gums will also need to be in good health. The remaining teeth should be evaluated to see if another restorative option would suit you better. Finally, although implants have a high success rate and there are very few contraindications, your overall systemic health should be evaluated.
When facing the decision of how to replace a tooth, implants have many wonderful benefits and are a great option to keep in mind. Sometimes they are the best option, while other times a different route may be better. Our hope is to provide education and guidance on your decision. Ultimately, you need to determine two things: what’s important to you and what’s best for you. We are always more than happy to take time with you and talk about your options, desires, and concerns.