Tuesday, December 8, 2009


The current state of the economy has made us all rethink our finances. Paying for dental health must also fit into our tighter budget. The best way to save money on your mouth is to focus on the preventative side of oral medicine. Proper home care teamed with professional cleanings and exams will equal a health smile. As dentists, we know that we play a crucial role in your oral health care. It's our job and we are very thankful to play that role, but remember, you need to be helping yourself at home as well. Your mouth is one of the most vulnerable parts of your body. It undergoes constant attack from bacteria, acids, food, and grinding forces. It is a battle that can be won, but you must be proactive. Remember the basics: brush twice a day for 2 minutes and flossing, flossing, flossing (your tongue and cheeks help clean all other parts of your teeth, but nothing cleans in between them).

Here are some other helpful hints to maintaining a healthy mouth:

- Drink water. Drink lots. Drink often.
- Limit sweets, colas, and juice to mealtimes
- Chew sugar-free gum containing Xylotol
- Use a fluoride rinse at home before bedtime. Mouth rinses (alcohol-free) can be good for bad breath, but it is a fluoride rinse that will really help keep your teeth strong. You can find these right along side the mouth rinses at most stores. Just make sure it says "Fluoride" on it. ACT Cavity Rinse is a personal favorite of mine.

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